Drop in deeper in an intimate 3 day retreat
Affordable Women's Retreats
The circles and retreats I facilitate do not rely on too much talking about our problems or venting. The talking we experience follows the theme of the circle and general guidelines that facilitate an authentic verbal stream of consciousness rather than conversation.
When you talk you are listened to, women follow the agreements which include, confidentiality, no interrupting, no analysis, coaching, judging, fixing. they listen with the ears of their heart, holding space for one another other.
Holding space is what makes a circle a sacred space as opposed to hanging out with friends and venting or problem-solving.
I see my role as offering myself in a total grounded presence, whilst the women in the circle are all processing their own physical, emotional and spiritual journeys, surrendering to the circles magic, learning to deeply trust the sisterhood. It is up to me to offer full focus at all times, attending to the emotional landscape, listening intently with the ears of my heart, holding the women with total acceptance and love.
Gathering women in ritual, ceremony, circle and retreat is vital to awaken us in our bodies, connecting us more deeply to the wisdom we are, It also gifts us to the magic of sisterhood which fills the longing for authenticity, deep connection and the expression of our wildness that was expressed so freely in ancient times.
It offers us the opportunity to rip off the masks that portrays us as, 'effortlessly coping,' whilst exhausting ourselves with the ‘striving for perfection' checklist .
Maskless we are able to share with raw vulnerability without the fear of judgement enabling us to take back our inner authority, trusting our inner knowing rather than seeking external validation.
Breathe into your ancient innate wisdom, your personal power, your authentic expression which resides deep in your center, hear her roar:
“ENOUGH, enough of this competitiveness, separateness, wounding, bitterness, jealousy, mistrust, shame, blame, guilt and victimhood."
Heal the wounds of sisterhood and self.
Join us on this powerful retreat and change your life forever.
Healing the Sisterhood Wounds
OCT 6th 2018
NOTE: Payment plans available

Limited places available - please email Mary to book your place or for more information